
Astrology Appointment

See How Planets & Stars Impact your LIfe

Dr. Saket Bhatia has been awarded by Prime Minister Narendra Modi for excellence in Astrology & Numerology.

Get accurate predictions from America’s leading celebrity astrologer. Book a one to one conversation with Dr. Saket Bhatia and get a comprehensive study of your personal life chart and detailed horoscope reading including the remedies for your problem that will help make better life decisions.

Choose the duration that suits you best – $200 for a 30 minutes or $300 for 1-hour. Appointments are in person or virtual (Telephone, Zoom).

Our office will reach out to coordinate a convenient date and time for your personalized session.

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Top Rated AstrologerAstrologer Saket Bhatia

Accurate Guidance & Prediction

Having guided thousands of clients, Dr. Saket Bhatia’s services are highly sought after. He offers precise life revelations along with accurate horoscope analysis and accurate insights about all major aspects of your life.

He uses his knowledge of planets and stars and their positions to interpret and analyze their influence on your life and upcoming events. I create birth charts based on the date, time, and location of your birth, which map the positions of planets, stars, and other cosmic elements at that specific moment. I then analyze these charts to offer insights into your personality traits, strengths, challenges, and potential life paths.

Your birth chart analysis provides a detailed understanding of your strength and weaknesses as well as a general overview of all facets of your life. I will help you gain perspective and a profound awareness in relation to the law of karma in your past, present, and future.

As an astrologer, I also provide guidance on relationships, career choices, and other important life decisions, using the planetary alignments, aspects and transits as a framework for understanding your journey and purpose. I also serve as a spiritual guide, counselor and source of inspiration for those seeking a deeper connection with the cosmos and a better understanding of themselves.

For inperson appointments, our office is located at:
2954 Scott Blvd
Santa Clara, CA 95054

You can contact us at

email: info@saketbhatia.com

Tel: (408) 639-5300

Customer Reviews

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