Free Astrology Services

Get Accurate Information On Your Birth Chart
A range of free reports to give you insight into your life path, what your destiny holds and how events will unfold.

Birth Chart Calculators

Free Astrology reports and calculators to help you generate your birth report with associated yogas and other Astrological informtion. Generate your Vedic Kundali in North or South Indian format and access free Kundali Matching.

Vedic Birth Chart

A horoscope is an astrological chart or diagram representing the positions of the Sun, Moon, planets, astrological aspects and sensitive angles at the time of your birth.

Birth Details

Information about your Nakshatra, Sun, Moon & Ascendant Lords. Find your recommended gemstone for peace, harmony and success for a better life.

Janam Kundli

Information about your Nakshatra, Sun, Moon & Ascendant Lords & lucky Gemstone. Learn about your Major Yogas Dasha and Anthardashas in detail.

Kundli Matching

Kundali matching or Kundli Milan is the vedic astrology equivalent of horoscope matching for a successful and long lasting marriage between a couple.

Advanced Astrology Calculators

Calculators using the placement of planets at the time of birth and taking into account the transits. Check for Sade-Sati, Mangal Dosha and Kaal Sarp Dosha.


Sade Sati is a period in the life of an individual, spanning approximately seven and a half years when Saturn transits the moon in the D1 chart.

Mangal Dosha

A person born under the influence of Mars (Mangala) as per astrology is said to have “Mangala Dosha”. It can cause problems in marriage, love, relationships and career.

Kaal Sarp Dosha

Kal Sarp Dosh or Kalsarp Yoga may bring various problems, delays and troubles in an individual’s life. It is generally considered inauspicious.



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