Personalized Astrology & Numerology Reports
Astrology & Numerology Reports
Life Strategy & Talent Report
Category Astrology
The Life Strategy Report tells us about the talents we are born with and about our desires and needs. None of us are perfect and we trade our talents to get what we need at any time.
- The Life Strategy Report provides in-depth details on your natal Star Type: it also provides sections about your particular talents, what you need, and what areas of life you may fall short in. This will help you channel your efforts and energy in the right direction so you can enjoy your success and minimize tasks and areas of your life where your may not get desired results and satisfaction.
- Next, based on your talents and needs, a strategy is outlined making the most of your talents and filling in the blank spots of your needs. Learn how to exchange what you have for what you need or want.
- Also included is a section on how you approach relationships.
- Report is approximately 25 pages long and takes 2 hours to prepare.
- Report will be emailed to you in PDF format within 2 business days.