Personalized Astrology & Numerology Reports
Astrology & Numerology Reports
Birth Chart Report
Category Astrology
The Birth Chart Report includes detailed planetary placements, aspects and their impacts, and detailed chart overview. Each category contains interpretation as well as descriptive headers written in plain English making it way to understand.
- This is a detailed report, involving your Birth Chart with detailed interpretations. You will learn about your Astrological ascendant and planets in different Vergas.
- The report includes interpretations about your health, finances, employment, partnership, maggiage life, children, intelligence, body and mind.
- The Report analyzes your health, luck, travel, finances, business prospects and everything else an astrology chart would.
- The Report recommends remedies for improving life and getting the full benefit of planets based on transits and planetary degrees.
- Report is approximately 200 pages long and takes 6 hours to prepare.
- Report will be emailed to you in PDF format within 2 business days.