Annual Horoscope Report
Annual Horoscope Report tells you what this year holds for you and gives detailed description of the tides coming your way. Every year your stars and planets change their position to bring in something unusual and new in your life. We study the planetary movements thoroughly and prepare each zodiac sign’s horoscope yearly, which includes entire happenings in the year.
- Progressions, transits, and directions all in one report. The most comprehensive forecasting report that incorporates several techniques commonly used by astrologers.
- Each month lists the major events in chronological order, showing the day with an interpretaton and graphic image of the nature of the event.Know which period is the luckiest for you and when you need to slow down.
- The report intelligently weighs and balances different chart factors objectively to produce reports of astounding accuracy. Prepare yourself to deal with the high and low phase this year by reading your yearly prediction from here.
- Take precautionary measures for the negative phases, and make the best of the good times by taking advantage of the Annual Horoscope Report.
- Report is approximately 30 pages long and takes 2 hours to prepare.
- Report will be emailed to you in PDF format within 2 business days